Member of the Month Spotlight
Chassata Thomassee

Chass claims her favorite food is pizza! When traveling for vacation, she enjoyed the Dominican Republic the most—“…the resort was quiet, beautiful, and the water was so clear as far as you could see. It’s definitely a place I would love to return,” she stated. In her spare time, she enjoys reading a good book and hitting the gym, even though she expressed the reading part might not be too interesting to some. When asked about what keeps her motivated in fitness, she says, “My reason for being so dedicated to the gym is because I love to see change and feel better. When you set goals and begin to slowly see them coming along, you continue to push forward toward those goals. In my opinion, seeing progress makes me want to push harder. However, I always have to remind myself that what I want will not happen overnight. It takes time, patience, and dedication”!
Chassata mentioned her advice to others would be to set a goal and think about your future! “As we get older sometimes we lose ourselves in our everyday life and forget to make time for ourselves. If you dedicate at least one hour a day doing something you love, you will feel so much better as a person. It will also make you a better person in return. So, learn to make time for yourself and stay active. I promise you will feel a lot better,” she professed, when asked her advice to someone who needed a little motivation. Chass is a perfect example of a Member of the Month for our fitness family. She works hard in and out of the gym trying to be kind and considerate of others she connects with each day. She also volunteers some of her evenings to help in our childcare center. Thank you and your family for choosing us for your fitness journey!